L'associationWishes from AFGE for the year 2021

Dear friends,  We are pleased to send you our warmest wishes, on behalf of AFGE, and on our own behalf, for a Happy New Year 2021.  We also want to give you news from AFGE: With the sudden death of Jean-Aymon Massie, our founding president, on June 10, 2019, we lost not only the animator and the guide of the AFGE, but also a companion and friend, who inspired our professional and personal approaches. We will put online on this page, in the next days, some of the messages and publications published after his departure. So, we all needed to let a little time pass before drawing the next step…  We are of course committed to keeping alive his memory, his clairvoyance, his humanism, his sense of action, and all the beautiful and good visions, approaches and philosophies of life and world, which he shared with us. .  We wish to keep the activity of AFGE going, of course: 
The troubled period in which we are all today, which affects the whole world without exception, demonstrates with even more force the crucial dimension of good governance to ensure the sustainability of organizations, whatever they are, whether these are states, institutions, Associations, NGOs, and of course companies. In "calm" times, good governance makes it possible to go faster, to be more efficient ... in times of storm, it becomes a condition of survival!
AFGE therefore has a role to play more than ever. We are convinced of the need to make it play this role, with your participation, we hope.

We of course wish to perpetuate the work and memory of Jean-Aymon Massie in this way. But we want to do so while being faithful to his primary objective with the AFGE: to be useful to others through these actions, to follow and support the progress of the world, to make reflection advance, to disseminate ideas of social and human economic progress, to influence the actions of stakeholders in the economic, political, social game ... and all this in the service of human well-being. Jean-Aymon Massie was not conservative, he was curious about everything and was resolutely looking to the future: he was interested in new technologies and their implications, in new rules of the game, in new disciplines, in new jobs, in new modes of organization, in increasingly international approaches... It is in this spirit that we wish to suggest to lead the AFGE in the months and years to come, with your support: we want an AFGE in motion, which is effectively interested in new disciplines, in new fields of governance, in the new know-how that managers and directors must now master... and which is increasingly international in its actions and in its organization... this is what Jean-Aymon Massie wanted, and we will be proud to help continue to put it implemented. We will be happy to share these actions with you in the weeks and months to come. Best regards. All our best wishes for the new year 2021. Josiane FANGUINOVENY Michel ROUX Vice President Vice President 

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